With only 40% screens at its disposal, Kartik Aryan’s Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has done the unthinkable. It has taken a bumper start at the box office and that too in a clash with a formidable force like Singham Again. What makes its opening even huger than it looks is the fact that it maintained its stance even when Singham Again decided to arrive on Diwali. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 was supposed to arrive solo but when the cop universe chose the same date as well, the horror comedy didn’t back out, hence demonstrating huge confidence that it had in its content.

Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Box Office: Kartik Aaryan starrer takes a bumper opening

The film gradually rose up the ranks en route release and that makes its victorious start even sweeter. At the time of its trailer release, it was clear that the film will take a much bigger start than its predecessor Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 (Rs. 14.26 crores). It seemed rather certain that Rs. 20 crores will come in. Later, as the days progressed and the hype surrounding the film increased, industry was heard saying in a hush-hush tone that even during the clash, it could well stretch towards the Rs. 25 crores mark. However, it was the wave surrounding the film just 24 hours before release that made even Rs. 30 crores a possibility, something that no one could ever have imagined, especially on a clash.

Well, there were more surprises in store, as evident from the footfalls that started coming from the opening shows itself. With almost 50% or more occupancy being seen in morning and afternoon shows itself, the writing was clear on the wall. The Anees Bazmee directed film was off to a bumper Day One and that was seen by the close of Friday when collections came to a mammoth Rs. 36.60 crores. The stage has now been set for the film which is now gearing up to enter Rs. 100 Crores Club by end of first weekend itself.

At the very least, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is a superhit in the making.

Note: All collections as per various box office sources

More Pages: Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Box Office Collection , Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Movie Review