Animal is now officially an all-time mega blockbuster. The film has crossed the Rs. 500 crores mark and that too in a matter of just 16 days. On Saturday, the film got back into double digits all over again as Rs. 13 crores more came in. These are really good numbers for the third Saturday and to think of it, a big Sunday is yet to come, which will further add on to the collections.

It’s a huge reason to celebrate for all associated with the film as achieving a Rs. 500 crores milestone is not a joke. Yes, it has happened four times this year with Pathaan, Gadar 2 and Jawan doing it in the past so it may seem like it’s all a cakewalk. However, that’s definitely not the case as for every Rs. 500 Crores Club film, there are many more which struggled to reach the Rs. 100 crores mark. It’s just that Bollywood suddenly seems to have graduated from delivering Rs. 300 Crore Club blockbusters to straight Rs. 500 crores earner, and hence it appears to be hunky dory.

However, it has taken a lot for this Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga film to reach here since the odds were against it. An A certificate, a running length of near three and a half hours, a delay in release, a non-conformist approach towards storytelling, an extremely polarized response from the critics, a huge hue-n-cry around its content, and yet the film has emerged victorious, and how.

Currently standing at Rs. 500.64 crores, the film would be looking at a finish in the whereabouts of Rs. 540-550 crores.

Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources

More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review