New day, new update on The Family Star. The lyrical promo of the upcoming track Nandanandanaa was shared by the film’s lead actors Mrunal Thakur and Vijay Deverakonda, on Monday night. The promo video begins with Vijay smiling and blushing with Mrunal in his vicinity. The clip then showcases Mrunal lovingly looking at Vijay. The brief video ends with Vijay Deverakonda grooving in the a metro train. That’s it for now. Can’t wait for the real deal. “1st song from The Family Star. My favourite. Will be yours on – 7th Feb,” wrote the Arjun Reddy actor. Mrunal Thakur captioned the post, “Gear up for the musical adventure that The Family Star is here to take you on. Nandanandanaa promo out now. Full song will sweep you off your feet on February 7th.”
Check out the promo here:
Earlier this week, Vijay Deverakonda shared a poster from the film and announced the film’s release date. He wrote, “Arriving April 05 2024.”
On Diwali last year, the actors of The Family Star wished their Instafam like this. “From our family to yours. To extend the festivities beyond this holiday season, first single of #FamilyStar is coming very soon,” read the caption on the post.
The shooting for the film began in June last year. Sharing the photos from the sets, Mrunal Thakur wrote, “The first step in a very exciting journey…It’s my 1st time working with Srivenkateswara Creations and I’m really thrilled to be sharing the screen with Vijay Deverakonda. Can’t wait for the shoot to begin.”
The Family Star, written and directed by Parasuram, is slated to release on April 5 this year.