Recently, during a chat on her show ‘What Women Want’, Alia Bhatt revealed to Kareena Kapoor Khan how she is musically inclined and had once wanted to become a singer. The Bollywood star now pushing for the release of ‘Jigra‘ spoke about singing in a couple of her films- ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania‘ and ‘Udta Punjab‘-but pointed out that she is not a singer.
One of them, Kareena jokingly asked Alia whether she was going to sing a single.That made both the actresses laugh, with Kareena adding jokingly that Alia would not take to singing professionally for she does not believe Alia’s voice was worth a record. Both the actresses were laughing along, as Alia shares that although she likes singing, she surely is not changing tracks to go professional. She said she might produce something with some help in a recording studio, but her ambitions to cut an album or a single have waxed and waned over time.
Alia said earlier that she had some thoughts of delving into music, but such plans didn’t take off, and she now likes singing only casually, mainly in her bathroom. She said her co-star Vedang Raina in ‘Jigra’ is actually very talented in music and might go on to record a complete album, but for her, it’s just a casual interest and pleasure.
As she continued talking, Alia added that her focus has gotten way more to acting side. However, she never stops learning. The same was reflected when she talked about how her journey has been with the industry and evolved with time. Just recently, she did a Hollywood film, ‘Heart of Stone’. She continued talking about the pain of handling two industries particularly after beginning a family.
Meanwhile, ‘Jigra’, the Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina starrer, hit the theatres. Critics have rendered mixed reviews with appreciations towards the engaging storyline of this thriller and its electrical pace. Even at a whopping time of 2 hours and 35 minutes, the film keeps the viewers hooked in, especially with an intense jail-break sequence during the film’s second half. Reviewers are keen on the action of this movie as it blends high drama without being overly dramatic and over-theatrical, making way to its strong cast and direction.