To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the National Defence Academy (NDA), a short documentary film showcasing the journey and training of NDA cadets, capturing the essence of a cadet’s life, was unveiled recently. The documentary, directed by Pune based director Tanuj Bhatia and Tanuka Laghate, was released on YouTube on the official handle of the PRO (Public Relations Officer) NDA. The film shows training of women cadets, and explores history of the academy.
A still from the documentary
Amitabh Bachchan gave voiceover to the documentary. The Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff mentioned in a tweet,”NDA movie capturing the essence of a cadet’s life released by General Anil Chauhan, #CDS as a timeless tribute to the credo of NDA – Service Before Self. Voiceover by Mr Ambitabh Bachchan.”
The 25-minute-long film is available on YouTube.
Amitabh Bachchan