Last year, there was just one film which had entered the Rs. 400 Crores Club, KGF: Chapter 2. The Hindi version of the Yash starrer had come at the time when films were just not doing well and the only respite was another south film, RRR, which had released a few weeks back and entered the Rs. 200 Crores Club. The Prashant Neel directed film changed the scenario at the box office by showing that big bucks could come post pandemic as well, and not just did it take a blockbuster start of Rs. 53.95 crores but went on to emerge as an all-time blockbuster at Rs. 434.70 crores.
For doing that, one can’t appreciate the team enough for bringing in such massive entertainment for the audiences that they were back in full force and theatre viewing came back in vogue. Circa 2023 and audiences have been grabbing all truly big budget massive films, something that can be seen from the way Animal has now gone many notches up. Not just has it entered the Rs. 400 Crores Club in record time, but it has also surpassed the entire lifetime number of KGF: Chapter 2 [Hindi], which was a pretty violent film as well.
Currently, the film stands at Rs. 448.34 crores and now it would be aiming for the big daddies, Gadar 2 and Pathaan. Meanwhile, Prashant Neel, the director of KGF: Chapter 2, is now coming back with Salaar in just 10 days from now. Given the fact that his last film’s record has been broken by several Bollywood films in a single year, he too would be looking at hitting back with vengeance with his latest release with Prabhas and go one up all over again.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Salaar Box Office Collection , Salaar Movie Review