Earlier this week, AP Dhillon and Diljit Dosanjh engaged in a brief war of words with the former accusing the latter of blocking him on social media. While it further went on to be addressed as an ‘online feud’ between the musicians leaving the internet divided, the issues have now fuelled up with Dhillon making certain remarks on stage that have gained widespread attention. Dhillon, who left audiences enthralled as he shared the stage with Karan Aujla during the latter’s recent concert, has made some comments about music and social media being ‘corrupt’ amid this alleged feud.
AP Dhillon makes statement about ‘music’ not being a ‘f****ng sport’ amid feud with Diljit Dosanjh
AP Dhillon calls social media ‘corrupt’ as he shares the stage with Karan Aujla
In a video that was shared by a paparazzo account, AP Dhillon, who took the stage alongside Karan Aujla, addressed the audience in the midst of the concert, wherein he said, “A narrative is being pushed that these guys don’t like each other, they don’t get along. But I’m going to tell you one thing, this social media is all corrupt. This is a narrative that people push. We f***ing love each other.” AP Dhillon added, “I want to tell you one thing. Music is not a f***ing sport. There is no winner or loser in this game. All that matters is who f***ing keeps it real.” The statements come in the midst of an online feud which started off between Dhillon and Diljit Dosanjh, after the ‘Brown Munde’ singer claimed that the latter blocked him on Instagram.
What happened between AP Dhillon and Diljit Dosanjh?
On December 8, Diljit Dosanjh had wished luck to AP Dhillon and Karan Aujla as the duo, kicked off their respective multi-city concerts by saying, “Two of my brothers, Karan Aujla and AP Dhillon, have started their tours, best of luck to them, too”. In response to the same, Dhillon tweeted, “I just want to say one small thing, brother. First unblock me on Instagram and then talk to me. I don’t want to talk about what marketing is happening but first unblock me. I’ve been working for three years. Have you ever seen me in any controversy?” Meanwhile, Badshah too shared a cryptic post about ‘staying united’ indirectly hinting at this social media feud.
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