On its release back in 2016, Sonam Kapoor starrer Neerja had collected Rs. 4.70 crores on its opening day. It grew well over the weekend to register Rs. 22.01 crores, had a strong first week that closed at Rs. 35.32 crores, and then more than doubled that number in its lifetime by closing at Rs. 75.65 crores. Now, the Yami Gautam starrer Article 370, which is also a female led geopolitical action drama, is following a somewhat better trajectory. After collecting Rs. 6.12 crores on its first day, registering a weekend of Rs. 25.45 crores and then enjoying a first week score of Rs. 38.82 crores, it is very likely heading well towards a lifetime score of Rs. 75 crores.
This has been assured by yet another super solid day that it scored on Sunday when Rs. 7.25 crores came in. While Neerja had a lesser second Sunday with a score of Rs. 6.65 crores, Article 370 has gone up and will now be staying over the Rs. 2 crores mark on a daily basis. Once that happens then a Rs. 75 crores lifetime will be very much possible. Currently, the film stands at Rs. 54.44 crores.
Meanwhile, Laapataa Ladies had a weekend of Rs. 4.12 crores. The film had started with Rs. 1.02 crores and then saw some growth in collections on Saturday and then Sunday. Ideally, the numbers should have kept doubling on a day-by-day basis but while that hasn’t happened, one now waits to see if today the numbers turn out to be greater than Friday. If that turns out to be the case, then there may be some sort of run that the Kiran Rao directed film may have.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Article 370 Box Office Collection , Article 370 Movie Review