Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatraya on Wednesday said in the recent Assembly election the Bharatiya Janta Party received a historic and decisive mandate, which is a strong expression of the people’s unwavering trust and faith in the existing policies and programmes of the government.
He was addressing the first session of the State Assembly here.
The Governor said this is the first time in the history of Haryana that people have shown trust in a government for the third consecutive time. He said that the present State government has received a historic and decisive mandate in these elections. This mandate is a strong expression of the people’s unwavering trust and faith in the existing policies and programmes of the government. It indicates that people support a corruption-free, transparent administration and inclusive development. It is a clear testament to the fact that the people of the State have embraced the government’s policies, expressing their trust and support through their votes.
“The 2024 election has been based on trust in policy, intent, integrity, and decisions. The present State government has carried forward a mission of service, security, good governance, cooperation, and upliftment of the Antyodaya for the last 10 years, and this mandate is an endorsement of that mission. This is a mandate that the work of developing Haryana should continue non-stop and we should continue achieving our goals,’ he said.
The Governor said all those who pass the CET exam but do not get a job in one year will be given a honorarium of ₹9,000 per month up to next two years. He said fulfilling its pre-election promise, the present State government has provided government jobs to 26,000 youth.
Published – November 14, 2024 07:50 am IST