This week, Colors introduced audiences to a new and rather unconventional show called Apollena that revolves around space and astronauts. Occupying a prime-time slot and with popular actors, the show aims to break away from the usual dramas, setting a new stage for audience but with ample drama. Aditi Sharma, who seems to have had a great 2024, with Rabb Se Hai Dua and Khatron Ke Khiladi, is quite excited about this new journey. The actress proves she has given it her all, as she recalled one of the most ‘painful’ experience she underwent for the show exclusively to Bollywood Hungama.
EXCLUSIVE: Aditi Sharma reveals putting herself through ‘excruciating pain’ for Apollena; says, “I couldn’t even walk for 3 days. I was limping in half”
While Colors has decided to showcase an unusual show like Apollena, Aditi Sharma showcased her extensive support with dedication and hard work. “I had to go and I have been working out a lot. Because this character, this role requires a lot of physical strength, so I have been working out everything. Yes, there were situations where it was very difficult,” she confessed to Bollywood Hungama. She went on to open up about an instance wherein she had to run over 25 kms. “The first scene which I did, I had to run for almost 25-35 km. And my knees were paining in half because I was running on a concrete road, CC road. And from morning 6.30 am around till 7 in the evening. And the shoes were not nice. So, I got terrible, you know, my knees were hurting. All the back was on my knees”, she recalled.
“I was in terrible pain. I couldn’t even walk for 3 days. I was limping in half. So, yes, I went through extreme pain, excruciating pain. But I had to keep going. Post 2 pm, like after lunch, I couldn’t even walk properly,” she added remembering the harrowing experience. But she was glad that she could complete the task. “I did it. I did it after putting a lot of these sprays to reduce the pain.” But she asserted that she has faced more extreme challenges in Khatron Ki Khiladi. “It was not tougher than Khatron Ke Khiladi though. That has been the toughest experience of my life”, she insisted.
Audiences can watch the story of Apollena unfold on Colors TV, every day at 6 pm.
Also Read: Aditi Sharma sets on new mission Apollena; dreams to clear her father’s name and reach the stars
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