Karamveer Mehra, who has been declared as the winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 joined Times Of India TV for a quick chat. Karan Veer emerged as the winner after beating Krishna Shroff and Gashmeer Mahajani in the finale. The actor spoke about the winning moment, his journey in the show and if he had any idea that the KKK 14 trophy will be his.
Speaking about winning the show, he said, “The feeling is still not sunk in, the more I’m giving interviews the more I’m feeling happy.After speaking to the Times Of India it’s confirmed that yes I’ve won the show. It feels like I’ve got the real ISI mark.”
When asked if he was aware that he was winning the Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 trophy, he said, “More than the feeling that I might win the show, there was a hope that I could get the trophy. This feeling I think everyone had. Lekin jab announce hogaya na naam sab sunn hogaya… I had no clue what was happening around. Everything was in slow motion and kaan bus sunn hogaya tha. I was almost going to faint when Rohit Shetty sir announced my name… Accha nahi lagta na KKK ka winner faint hota toh (laughs).”
With every task, Karan impressed both the audience and his fellow contestants. Whether he dealt with high-altitude stunts, wild challenges, or tough obstacles, he remained calm and confident. He knew that winning wasn’t just about being strong but also about staying focused under pressure. The actor spoke about how enriching his journey was. “
It was mind blowing, mind boggling and also a very enriching journey. I got to learn a lot and had lots of fun. Of course I’m in love with the show and I’ve told him also that I’ve a man crush on him. I would want to become a person like him,” he said.
On being asked if winning the show will be a game changer for his career, Karan Veer said, “I will get to know soon how this trophy is going to change things for me. Of course the choices have increased, the work that I’m getting. But to change the game, I think I’m way too deep in the game to change anything, because I can’t do anything different. I can just present different characters which obviously I’m going to do. Bus hosakta hai thodi payment badh jaaye… iski wajah se otherwise I think it is going to be the same drill.”
Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 winner Karan Veer Mehra on Lifting Trophy, Shilpa Shinde, BB 18 & Asim Riaz