Bollywood stars Priyanka Chopra and Madhur Bhandarkar recently met up in Los Angeles, fueling excitement among fans for a potential sequel to their hit film, Fashion. The duo, who collaborated on the critically acclaimed 2008 film, shared a picture from their meeting on social media, sending fans into a frenzy. The image quickly went viral, with fans expressing their desire for a second installment of the fashion-based drama.
Fashion actor-director duo Priyanka Chopra and Madhur Bhandarkar meet in LA amid speculations of sequel: “Delight to meet and engage in a fascinating discussion”
A Fascinating Discussion
Madhur Bhandarkar, the director of Fashion, took to Instagram to share his encounter with Priyanka Chopra. He described their meeting as a “fascinating discussion” and expressed his admiration for the talented actress.
Fans flooded the comments section with requests for a Fashion 2, eager to see Priyanka Chopra reprise her iconic role. The original film, which delved into the glamorous yet competitive world of the Indian fashion industry, was a major success, earning Priyanka Chopra the National Film Award for Best Actress.
Plans for a Sequel
Having said that, it is worth mentioning here that Madhur Bhandarkar hinted at the possibility of a Fashion 2. In a chat with Bollywood Hungama, he expressed his interest in exploring the evolution of the fashion industry and the disappearance of traditional supermodels.
While a sequel is yet to be officially confirmed, the recent meeting between Priyanka Chopra and Madhur Bhandarkar has certainly fueled speculation and excitement among fans.
More Pages: Fashion Box Office Collection
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