In a monumental achievement that underscores its widespread appeal and box office prowess, the dynamic duo of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone have propelled Fighter to soar past the coveted Rs. 300 crore mark at the worldwide box office. With an exhilarating blend of action-packed sequences, riveting performances, and a compelling storyline, Fighter has captivated audiences both at home and abroad, cementing its status as a global blockbuster.
On its home turf, Fighter has set the box office ablaze, with a staggering India nett collection of Rs. 178.90 crores and a robust India gross of Rs. 212.98 crores. The film’s captivating narrative and the sizzling chemistry between Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone have struck a chord with audiences across the country, propelling it to blockbuster status within the Indian market.
Fighter has also made waves on the international stage, with an impressive overseas gross of Rs. 89.86 crores. Overseas audiences have been equally enamored by the film’s high-octane action sequences and compelling performances, contributing significantly to its global box office triumph.
With a combined worldwide gross of Rs. 302.84 crores, Fighter has transcended borders and emerged as a true cinematic phenomenon. Its ability to resonate with audiences across different cultures and demographics speaks volumes about its universal appeal and the star power of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.
Fighter’s unprecedented success at the box office is a testament to the collective efforts of its talented cast and crew, as well as the visionary direction of its filmmakers. Beyond its commercial achievements, the film has left an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers, inspiring admiration and adulation for its gripping storyline, breathtaking action sequences, and memorable performances.
As Fighter continues its triumphant march at the box office, its trajectory remains poised for further milestones and accolades, with sustained momentum and continued audience engagement, the film is well-positioned to leave a lasting legacy in the annals of Indian cinema, setting new benchmarks for excellence and innovation.
Fighter Worldwide Collections at a glance
India Nett: Rs. 178.90 cr.
India Gross: Rs. 212.98 cr.
Overseas Gross: Rs. 89.86 cr.
Worldwide Gross: Rs. 302.84 cr.