Following a marvel kind of title card in ‘Leo’, Venkat Prabhu has given a new title card for Vijay in ‘GOAT’ to exhibit his love for the friendly actor. Fans can be seen dancing near the big screens in theatres as they enjoy Vijay’s film release, and the film is receiving a thunderous response. Fans have also made some special preparations like DJ parties and fan-made screenings to energize themselves, and the release of Vijay’s film made fans from the USA to Tamil Nadu tune into festival mode.
With the combination of a unique storyline, innovative technology, and Vijay’s immense popularity, Venkat Prabhu’s directorial ‘GOAT’ is expected to attract significant attention and perform strongly at the box office. The high-budget film also has several popular faces in important roles, and the film has music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.