On January 13, Aamir Khan hosted a celebration of his daughter Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare’s wedding in Mumbai, specifically for industry insiders, which was, needless to say, a star studded event. The post-wedding bash came after the couple hosted an intimate destination wedding in Rajasthan, after which, they were keen on celebrating this special moment with the film fraternity. Among the many stars who were a part of this special evening was also yesteryear actress Hema Malini who dropped a series of photos with not just the bride, groom, and the hosts but also with stars like Suriya, Rekha, Juhi Chawla, and others on her social media.
Hema Malini drops UNSEEN photos with Suriya, Rekha, Juhi Chawla, and others from Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan’s reception
Actress turned politician Hema Malini, who loves to stay updated on social media, decided to give her fans a sneak peek into the starry evening hosted by Aamir Khan to celebrate the union of his daughter Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare. Hema Malini attended the grand function accompanied by her daughter and actress Esha Deol, and they were seen sharing the stage not only with the couple of the evening, Aamir Khan and his first wife Reena Dutta, Nupur’s mother, but also with South superstar Suriya. Along with adding another photo with the Jai Bhim actor, Hema also shared some snapshots with her colleagues Rekha and Saira Banu, popular actress Juhi Chawla, among others. She also added a note expressing her gratitude towards host and sharing her happiness of reuniting with her friends during the occasion as she wrote, “Attended the wedding of Aamir and Reena’s daughter, Ira with Nupur last evening. It was a glittering event and it was wonderful catching up with Rekha and especially Saira Banu Ji after a long time”.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare kicked off their wedding celebrations in the first week of January with their registered marriage that was held in Mumbai. Post that the couple flew to Udaipur for the grand celebrations where they hosted multiple pre-wedding festivities, like cocktail dinner, pajama party, mehendi, among others, followed by a Christian ceremony.
Also Read: Hema Malini to grace Ayodhya’s Ram Temple consecration with dance drama
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