MUMBAI: BJP since 2019 has held that Uddhav Thackeray went against the popular mandate by breaking away after the polls and forming an alliance with Congress and NCP. Wednesday’s ruling of the legislative assembly Speaker Rahul Narvekar giving the party to Eknath Shinde while not disqualifying legislators on either side is being viewed as “just” by the party. Its state unit social media handle tweeted, “At last those who dishonour the people’s verdict have suffered a legal blow.”
Reacting to the decision, state BJP president Chandrashekhar Bawankule tweeted, “Sitting at home and becoming CM and running the party too… this method of Uddhav Thackeray has backfired. The true inheritor of Balasaheb Thackeray’s legacy is Eknath Shinde, has come forth through this ruling.”
Underscoring the impact of Speaker’s order on the survival of the government, deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis tweeted, “The outcome given by the legislative assembly Speaker citing various rules should ensure there is no doubt in anyone’s mind about the government’s stability. While establishing the government under the leadership of Eknath Shinde all constitutional and legal processes were fully followed and that is why this government is strong and robust.”
Though BJP has always held that Shinde government was legitimate, it was on the defensive especially over questions linked to the Ajit Pawar faction of Nationalist Congress Party joining the fold. The Speaker’s decision serves to bolster morale within the alliance in the lead-up to the polls this year.
On Wednesday, the party’s Mumbai unit held a meeting of its newly formed committee to oversee the LS polls campaign for the six seats in Mumbai.
Reacting to the decision, state BJP president Chandrashekhar Bawankule tweeted, “Sitting at home and becoming CM and running the party too… this method of Uddhav Thackeray has backfired. The true inheritor of Balasaheb Thackeray’s legacy is Eknath Shinde, has come forth through this ruling.”
Underscoring the impact of Speaker’s order on the survival of the government, deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis tweeted, “The outcome given by the legislative assembly Speaker citing various rules should ensure there is no doubt in anyone’s mind about the government’s stability. While establishing the government under the leadership of Eknath Shinde all constitutional and legal processes were fully followed and that is why this government is strong and robust.”
Though BJP has always held that Shinde government was legitimate, it was on the defensive especially over questions linked to the Ajit Pawar faction of Nationalist Congress Party joining the fold. The Speaker’s decision serves to bolster morale within the alliance in the lead-up to the polls this year.
On Wednesday, the party’s Mumbai unit held a meeting of its newly formed committee to oversee the LS polls campaign for the six seats in Mumbai.