The BJP released the names of 11 more candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on Saturday. The eighth list features several individuals who recently joined the party — such as Bhartruhari Mahtab, Ravneet Singh Bittu, Sushil Kumar Rinku and Preneet Kaur. Meanwhile, former Indian ambassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu will be making his poll debut from Amritsar.
Sunny Deol was also conspicuous in his absence from the list as the BJP opted to field Dinesh Singh ‘Babbu’ instead of the sitting MP. It is however pertinent to note that the actor-turned-politician has long expressed his keenness to opt out of electoral politics.
The eight list named 11 candidates from Odisha, Punjab and West Bengal — bringing the tally to 411 seats. The BJP-led NDA hopes to win more than 400 Lok Sabha seats during the next few weeks as it eyes a third term at the helm.
(With inputs from agencies)
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Published: 30 Mar 2024, 08:58 PM IST