Matka is scheduled to be released on 14 November, 2024. This story is based in Vishakapatnam spanning from 1958- 1982.Matka unfolds as a captivating tale that blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality featuring the incidents that shook the entire nation. The story follows the remarkable journey of Vasu, the… protagonist, who rises from rags to riches and builds his own kingdom. He then rules India with his brainchild gambling named Matka which brings the country to a perilous state. In the gripping narrative, the Indian government is then compelled to respond. A battle ensues pitting the might of the establishment against Vasu’s Matka empire. The story serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of human love and the unpredictable consequences that emerge from choices made on the edge of morality. This story draws inspiration from true events and real life characters, crafting a dynamic fusion of fact and fiction embellished with human drama, raw emotions and action.
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