GUWAHATI: Among the electoral bond purchasers in the northeast is a Meghalaya-based cement company, Star Cement Meghalaya Limited, which bought 14 EBs worth Rs 5 crore and gave them to both Congress and BJP, in different amounts, but all on the same day in the middle of 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Congress encashed the lion’s share, Rs 4.5 crore, while the remaining Rs 50 lakh went to BJP.
Star Cement Meghalaya bought 14 bonds on April 20, 2019, nine days after the first phase of LS elections were completed.While Congress redeemed the bonds on April 22 and 23, BJP encashed them on April 23.
Star Cement Meghalaya bought 14 bonds on April 20, 2019, nine days after the first phase of LS elections were completed.While Congress redeemed the bonds on April 22 and 23, BJP encashed them on April 23.