Mukesh Ambani has been the richest man in India for quite a long time now. As per Forbes, his current net worth stands at Rs. 9,52,805 crore ($113.5 billion). Mukesh Ambani is the chairperson of Reliance Industries which is the most valuable company in India with a market cap of Rs. 19.82 trillion. He is involved in a wide range of businesses through the subsidiaries of Reliance Industries including telecom, energy, retail, financial and others. He is the owner of Jio, the largest telecom operator in India that is currently gearing up to launch its satellite-based internet service. Despite spearheading such a massive conglomerate, Mukesh Ambani does not draw any salary. His annual remuneration is Rs. 0.
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Mukesh Ambani setting ‘exceptional example’
In light of Covid-19 outbreak, Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director Mukesh Ambani voluntarily decided to forego his entire remuneration including salary, allowances, perquisites, retiral benefits as well as any commissions for year 2020-21. He continued on the same path in the year 2021-22, in the year 2022-23, and now in 2023-24 as well. This is an exceptional example in the corporate world.
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Prior to that, Mukesh Ambani had his remuneration capped at ₹15 crore since 2008-09 . In the last four years, India’s richest man did not avail any allowances, perquisites, retiral benefits, commission or stock options from Reliance for his role as the Chairman and Managing Director.
Mukesh Ambani pays highest salary to Hital Meswani
As per the official data, Hital Meswani is the highest paid director at Reliance. His annual remuneration for FY2023-24 stood at Rs. 25.42 crore including salary, allowances, commission, perquisites, and retiral benefits. Hital Meswani has been on the board of Reliance since 1995.
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Hital Meswani is son of Rasiklal Meswani, Mukesh Ambani’s first mentor in the business world. Hital Meswani has been the brain behind successful executions of several mega projects of Reliance, including the Hazira petrochemicals and Jamnagar refinery complexes.
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