New Delhi:
The 5th edition of the Filmfare OTT Awards was held in Mumbai on Sunday. One of the night’s highlights was the reunion of Vijay Varma and Kareena Kapoor. ICYDK, Kareena won the Best Actor (Web Original Film – Female) award for her role in Sujoy Ghosh’s Jaane Jaan. Her co-star Vijay shared a series of pictures from the event on social media. The first image shows the two pouting, while the second captures them in their goofiest poses. The third snapshot features Jaideep Ahlawat holding his awards and the last photo shows Kareena delivering her speech after receiving her award. Sharing the pictures on Instagram, Vijay wrote, “Celebrating multiple wins at @filmfare for Jaane Jaan with a Bebo pout. Congratulations @sujoyghoshofficial @kareenakapoorkhan @jaideepahlawat @jayshewakramani @akshaipuri @netflix_in for the wins.”
In an earlier interview with Siddharth Kannan, Vijay Varma reflected on the affection his character had for Kareena’s character in Jaane Jaan, describing it as a “fatal attraction” and “one-sided love,” where he admired her from afar. The film marked Kareena’s first on-screen collaboration with actors Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat.
In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Kareena shared a fun anecdote about her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, who had given her a heads-up before working with Vijay and Jaideep. “Saif was like, ‘You need to be a little more prepared as they are going to be very well-prepared,'” she shared.