Pixel 9 series is less than 10 days away from its official launch on August 14 in India. While we have an idea about what Google will announce via leaks and rumours, several new information about the devices are coming forward. As we get closer to the launch date, the rumours about the Pixel 9 series have been spreading rapidly. Now, in a new leak, a tipster revealed that Google has designed a new 45W charging adapter which will likely support Pixel 9. Know more about what’s coming.
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Pixel 9 series charging upgrade
A tipster who goes by the name @MysteryLupin on X shared a post on the platform showcasing the new 45W Google charging adapter. While previous rumours claimed that we might get a charging upgrade, this new leak may have confirmed if the Pixel 9 series will get a faster charging speed. As of now, the adapter features a two-pin European plug as it is the standard design in several regions. However, in the US, UK and Australia, the adapter may get different points suitable for their charging points.
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However, the design is expected to remain the same for every country. Google’s new 45W charging adapter now has a new oval-like design, making look quite compact and aesthetic. If the rumours about Pixel 9 supporting 45W charging are true, then this would be a much-needed upgrade. The Pixel users have been using the 30W charging since the Pixel 6 series. Despite having a 30W charging adapter, the Pixel 6 Pro has a maximum charging speed of 23W which was concerning.
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Therefore, even if Google launches the new 45W charging adapter, it is unsure if the devices will be capable of charging up to the given speed or less. However, it is expected to exceed the 30W charging speed, making it a worthy upgrade for people buying the Pixel 9 series. However, as of now, it is unclear when Google will launch the adapter, but it is expected to be introduced in the upcoming “Made by Google” event which is scheduled for August 13 in global regions and August 14 in India.
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