Readers would be aware that Saira Banu has been using social media as a platform to share tidbits and moments of her life that continue to remain special to her. While most of them involve legendary actor Dilip Kumar being an integral part of it, the actress has also shared moments with other actors including a recent one with the late yesteryear star Nanda. In fact, in a recent post, she also opened up about the close bond she shared with Nanda’s family, especially her mother Sushila.
Saira Banu reminisces about her Makar Sankranti memories with her husband Dilip Kumar and veteran actress Nanda’s mother Sushila
On the joyous occasion of Makar Sankranti, veteran actress Saira Banu reminisces the good times she had with Sushila Aiee, mother of Nanda Taai. In a nostalgic post, the actress recounts the beautiful hand crafter gifts given to her by Sushila Aiee and the wonderful memories made with her husband, the beloved Dilip Kumar.
Recounting this wonderful tradition, Saira Banu wrote “”तिळगुळ घ्या गोड गोड बोला।”, As I reflect upon the memories of years gone by, my heart is filled with nostalgia, reminiscent of the tradition introduced to me long ago by Sushila Aaiee, the beloved mother of Nanda Taai; she presented me with beautiful hand-crafted gifts such as hand-bag made of green beads and small sequins boxes filled with Sankranti sweets and little notes for me treated me as her married daughter.
She went on to add about the memories she shared with Dilip Kumar as she added, “I still recall those delightful moments shared with Dilip Sahib, savouring the essence of Makar Sankranti together. With the fond recollections of this festive celebration etched in my heart, I extend my heartfelt wishes to each and every one of you. May this Makar Sankranti be joyous for you all.”
Makar Sankranti was celebrated on Monday, January 15, this year.
Also Read: Saira Banu remembers moments of lifetime with Nanda Taai; see post
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