The Vicky Kaushal starrer Sam Bahadur which hit screens alongside the Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal has managed to hold its own at the box office, despite immense competition coming from the other release. Based on the life of Sam Manekshaw, the film which opened on a good note, witnessed its collections hold steady week after week. Now 16 days after its release, Sam Bahadur has managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark at the worldwide box office.
Collecting Rs. 86.49 cr grosser from the Indian market and a further Rs. 17.48 cr from the overseas markets, the total worldwide collections of Sam Bahadur stand at Rs. 103.79 cr. While there have been mixed opinions about whether the business of the film would fare better with a solo release, it has to be noted that despite the immense competition from the other release, the Meghna Gulzar directorial has held its own.
As of now, Sam Bahadur continues to find takers in certain locations and is likely to see its business grow a bit further. However, with the impending release of Dunki and the fact that Animal continues to run, trade predictions do not narrate an optimistic view.
Sam Bahadur Worldwide Box Office at a glance:
India Gross: Rs. 86.49 cr
Overseas: Rs. 17.48 cr
Worldwide Gross: Rs. 103.97 cr
More Pages: Sam Bahadur Box Office Collection , Sam Bahadur Movie Review