Bollywood actor Sharvari has had an incredible year at the cinemas. She has delivered a Rs. 100 crore blockbuster with Munjya, her dance song from Munjya, ‘Taras‘, is one of the biggest musical hits of the year, she has had global streaming hit with Maharaj, won unanimous praise for her brilliant acting in Vedaa and also bagged the big action entertainer Alpha, a YRF Spy Universe film, in which she is acting with Alia Bhatt.
Sharvari expresses excitement ahead of Alpha shoot in Kashmir: “To get an opportunity like this so early in one’s career is truly a blessing”
It has been widely reported that team Alpha is headed to Kashmir for the second schedule of the adrenaline-pumping entertainer and the film starts shooting at the beautiful valley on August 26. When asked about this, Sharvari says, “I can’t wait to be on the sets of Alpha again and I can’t wait to shoot in Kashmir! I’m thrilled that it’s going to be a very exciting schedule. The Alpha team will be meeting after some time so we are all super ready to start the Kashmir schedule!”
Sharvari adds, “I am as excited as a kid at a candy store when I am on a film set and the sets of Alpha, I’m like a ball of energy soaking everything and trying to learn and better myself. To get an opportunity like this so early in one’s career is truly a blessing. I’m just humbled to be in such a franchise that has the megastars of our film industry in it!”
Alpha marks a significant milestone in Sharvari’s career, as she steps into a universe being graced by superstars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, NTR Jr., Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif & Kiara Advani.
ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt and Sharvari to kick off Alpha shoot in Kashmir on August 24; Hrithik Roshan likely to join schedule: Report
More Pages: Alpha Box Office Collection
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