Sonakshi Sinha, a Bollywood actress, marries her longtime partner, actor Zaheer Iqbal, today, June 23, in Mumbai. Among the celebrations, we caught a peek of her wedding gown. Sonakshi Sinha appears to be wearing all white for her wedding. According to recordings that have appeared online, Zaheer delivered her the bridal dress she is expected to wear on the couple’s wedding day.
Sonakshi Sinha stunning bridal gown goes viral on social media, watch
The video of Sonakshi Sinha’s dress went viral on social media.
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are marrying after dating for seven years. The actress’ father, legendary actor Shatrughan Sinha, was furious since she had not kept him updated on her wedding arrangements. He ultimately offered her his blessings.
Outside the home, Ramayana, a group of Sonakshi’s servants were seen removing some of the garments from the car. Photographers caught the moment they removed their clothing and published it on social media. Helpers were spotted bringing out three pastel-colored dresses. One was an off-white dress, while the other two were pink. All three were highly embroidered. The last one appeared to be a light blue coloured saree. Are they Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding party outfits? Well, that remains to be seen. As Viral Bhayani posted the video, a viewer wrote, “Ohh, dulhan ka dress to reveal hogya.”
Sonakshi and Zaheer are thought to have had a court marriage. Their wedding will take place on Sunday, June 23, 2024. The wedding reception will be held at Bastian in Mumbai.
Also Read : Sonakshi Sinha and family host a pre-wedding pooja ahead of the big day; wedding outfits arrive
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