NEW DELHI: In a recent development, the Supreme Court has temporarily halted the implementation of the Allahabad High Court’s order that directed the appointment of a local commissioner to conduct a survey of the Shahi Idgah mosque premises, which is adjacent to the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple in Mathura. However, the Supreme Court clarified that the Allahabad High Court is free to continue with the legal proceedings in the case.
The apex court on Tuesday said that the application made before the high court for the appointment of a local commissioner was very vague. The court also said that such an application should not have been the basis for the High Court’s order regarding the appointment of a local commissioner for the survey.
The stay, issued by the SC, puts a pause on the implementation of the survey pending further judicial proceedings.
Details awaited.
The apex court on Tuesday said that the application made before the high court for the appointment of a local commissioner was very vague. The court also said that such an application should not have been the basis for the High Court’s order regarding the appointment of a local commissioner for the survey.
The stay, issued by the SC, puts a pause on the implementation of the survey pending further judicial proceedings.
Details awaited.