HYDERABAD: Amid sloganeering by opposition BRS MLAs against the Congress government, the Telangana Assembly was adjourned for the day on Monday without completing a debate on tourism policy. When the House resumed after a tea break, Speaker G Prasad Kumar took up a short discussion on ‘Telangana State Tourism Policy‘, but the opposition party members kept raising slogans against the Congress dispensation.
Taking exception to the BRS legislators allegedly not following the rules and traditions of the House, Legislative Affairs Minister D Sridhar Babu said the government is ready to respond to any issue raised by the opposition members.
The Speaker directed BRS MLAs to hand over the pamphlets to the marshals and disapproved of them raising slogans and displaying placards inside the House.
Tourism Minister Jupally Krishna Rao began his speech on Tourism sector, but the BRS MLAs continued to raise slogans.
The Speaker promised to provide opportunity to BRS MLA T Harish Rao to speak and urged the main opposition members to return to their seats.
As the slogan shouting continued, he adjourned the House for the day.
Addressing reporters after the adjournment of the House, BRS Working President K T Rama Rao hit out at the ruling Congress for not taking up debate on the arrest of “farmers” over the November 11 attack on government officials during a public hearing for land acquisition at Lagacharla village in Kodangal assembly segment, represented by CM A Revanth Reddy.
Congress whip Adi Srinivas told media that the BRS was not sincere in raising people’s issues in the Assembly and was only wasting the precious time of the House.
The BRS is raising a hue and cry about the arrest of farmers in connection with the attack on government officials, but peasants were handcuffed during the previous BRS regime in Khammam, he alleged.
Later, the BRS members held a protest at the assembly entrance in the legislature premises against the Congress government and held placards condemning a farmer being taken to hospital in handcuffs last week.
CM Revanth Reddy has sought to know from officials why a farmer was taken to the hospital in handcuffs.