The much-anticipated documentary series The Roshans had its trailer launch event, attended by filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, music composer Rajesh Roshan, actor Hrithik Roshan, Netflix Vice President Content Monika Shergill, and director Shashi Ranjan. The series, exploring the legacy of the illustrious Roshan family, promises an intimate look into their lives and the untold stories behind their success.
The Roshans trailer launch: Hrithik Roshan says, “My drive came from my grandfather”
Rakesh Roshan: “A Challenging Yet Emotional Journey”
At the event, Rakesh Roshan reflected on the inception of the project, sharing how a conversation at his farmhouse with Shashi Ranjan led to the idea. He said, “It has been quite an emotional journey for us, exploring parts of ourselves that we weren’t even aware of before. This has been the most challenging project of my life. I realized that making documentaries is far more complex than creating a fictional story.”
Rajesh Roshan on Music and His Father’s Legacy
Rajesh Roshan spoke about his inspiration from legendary composers like S.D. Burman and Shankar-Jaikishan while recalling the influence of his father, Roshan Saab. “I often wondered where my father’s songs would fit in the evolving musical landscape. Despite my suggestions to add a western touch, it was his unique compositions that stood the test of time,” he said, reflecting on the timelessness of Roshan Saab’s music.
Hrithik Roshan’s Emotional Connection to His Roots
Hrithik Roshan shared a personal perspective, expressing how the documentary helped him connect with his grandfather, Roshan Saab, whom he never met. “After watching the documentary, I’d want to ask him about his childhood and struggles. My drive, especially during my first film, came from him—it was in my cells, passed down through generations,” he said. Despite initial hesitation about the documentary, Hrithik acknowledged its importance in honoring his family’s legacy.
Director Shashi Ranjan on the Vision Behind the Documentary
Shashi Ranjan, the director, emphasized the emotional depth of The Roshans. “This is not just a story but an emotion. What began as a project about Roshan Saab evolved into an exploration of the entire Roshan family arc,” he explained. The series also features contributions from over 40 industry stalwarts, including Shah Rukh Khan, Javed Akhtar, and Sanjay Leela Bhansali, making it a cinematic treat for fans.
The Roshans aims to celebrate the legacy of Roshan Saab and the family’s contribution to Indian cinema and music. The series, set to release on Netflix, promises a mix of nostalgia, inspiration, and a deep dive into the lives of one of Bollywood’s most iconic families.
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