Varun Dhawan is one actor known for his down-to-earth personality and ability to connect with fans. However, an adorable viral video recently showcased his fan love in an entirely new light. At an event for promoting his new movie ‘Baby John’, he was surrounded by a crowd of excited kids, all donning bright red Christmas caps. The video captures not only the charm of Varun but also his heartwarming reaction to the call made by his security team for a bodyguard for the vast crowd of children.
In the video, he is seen laughing and smiling as he interacts with kids, appearing thrilled to meet their favorite actor. As the number of young fans continues to mount before him, his team becomes anxious about the growing count of children and the chaos that could be unleashed. However, Varun, ever the kind-hearted hero, waves away the bodyguard with a smile and an answer that so rings true: “Bacho ke sath kya bodyguard?” (What’s a bodyguard with kids?). His words, full of true affection and simplicity, aptly capture his friendly and approachable nature.
What makes this moment even more special is the context; Varun was promoting his upcoming film ‘Baby John’, which revolved around themes of family, innocence, and love. The video, widely circulated on social media, shows the actor in a festive setting, surrounded by happy children, which aligns perfectly with the spirit of the movie. The kids, resplendent in their bright red Christmas hats, were already so immersed in the spirit of the season and Varun’s response made it even more magical.
Fans of the actor ran riot in the comments with heartwarming reactions praising his humility despite his immense success and how this gesture is a perfect example for how Varun connects people, especially the young minds, and how he remains humble even against the backdrop of fame.
The video shows Varun Dhawan’s real warmth and also the effortless bonding he does with children. It is those moments that remind fans why Varun is loved by so many, not just for his acting talent but for his non-pretentious nature and kind-hearted spirit.