Earlier today, Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri announced his upcoming film The Delhi Files on social media. This film will be the final entry in his trilogy following of Iambuddha and Abhishek Agarwal Arts The Tashkent Files and The Kashmir Files. The announcement marks a significant moment for the project, as it opens the floor for a casting call for the main lead actress.
Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri announces The Delhi Files and launches casting call for lead actress
In the video, the director shared that he is looking for an Indian actress who has a strong grasp of Hindi and accurate pronunciation. The preferred age range is 18-25, along with an innocent-looking persona. While there is also a slight preference for Bengali candidates, he clarified that these criterias are flexible as long as the person appears to be fit for the role and is immensely talented. The primary focus is on finding someone with exceptional acting skills who can bring depth and authenticity to the role.
Known for his impactful storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Vivek also expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming success of his previous films. He thanked audiences for their support and for making these films significant hits, acknowledging the role of the talented cast in bringing these stories to life.
Vivek Agnihotri’s films have consistently sparked important conversations and highlighted historical narratives. The Delhi Files is expected to continue this tradition, promising to be an impactful experience. Aspiring actresses who meet the criteria are encouraged to showcase their skills and seize this chance to be part of a significant film.
Talking about Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, after receiving nationwide acclaim and love, Vivek is set to take the audiences on the journey of another hard-hitting film with his forthcoming ‘The Delhi Files’. After The Kashmir Files, prolific producer Abhishek Agarwal has yet again joined hands with Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri with his production banner Abhishek Agarwal Arts on The Delhi Files.
Also Read : Gulshan Devaiah criticizes Vivek Agnihotri’s promotion of The Kashmir Files: “I feel that is exploitation”
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