A Kerala court on Friday (January 10, 2024) told the police not to arrest Congress MLA I.C. Balakrishnan and Wayanad District Congress Committee (DCC) president N.D. Appachan, who have been booked for abetment to suicide of the Wayanad District Congress Committee (DCC) treasurer N.M. Vijayan and his son, till January 15.
Mr. Balakrishnan’s advocate told a TV channel that the court orally asked the police not to arrest Balakrishnan till January 15 and called for the case diary. This oral instruction was given on the MLA’s plea for anticipatory bail in the case.
The advocate said the order will also be applicable to Mr. Appachan who has also moved a separate plea for anticipatory bail. The lawyer also said that the pleas will be taken up for detailed arguments on January 15.
He also said that Mr. Balakrishnan was not in hiding and there was no need for him to go into hiding as he has 24 hours police protection.
The advocate also said that his client was cooperating with the investigation and will continue to do so.
He also said that no notice has been given to the MLA till date to appear for questioning before the police. On Thursday, the police said Mr. Balakrishnan, Mr. Appachan and two others have been booked for abetment to suicide of Vijayan.
A senior police officer of the district had confirmed that the section dealing with abetment to suicide under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) has been added to the FIR in connection with the death of Vijayan, the Wayanad District Congress Committee (DCC) treasurer, and his son.
The officer had also confirmed that Mr. Balakrishnan, Mr. Appachan and two others, who were mentioned in Vijayan’s suicide note, have been named as accused in the case.
“The action was taken based on Vijayan’s suicide note,” the officer said.
Published – January 10, 2025 01:58 pm IST