WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature enabling users to double-tap on the specific text to react. This will provide users with a quick and hassle-free way to react to messages. However, the reaction emoji is expected to be set by default and in a customised way, users will have to follow the current way of reacting to the message. Know more about what WhatsApp is developing for its upcoming app update.
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WhatsApp double-tap feature
According to a WABetaInfo report, WhatsApp is working on a WhatsApp reaction feature which will be quick and hassle-free. The instant messaging app is reportedly bringing a “double tap” feature to react to a specific message, photos, videos, and GIFs. The reaction will be set by default which is expected to be the heart-shaped emoji. This feature is quite similar to what we use in Instagram when we react to messages by double-clicking on the screen and a heart-shaped emoji pops up. Therefore, we may get a similar feature in WhatsApp as well.
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With a new quicker way of WhatsApp reaction feature coming, users will not have to long press on the text to leave a reaction. With a simple double-tap, users can react to the messages. The report said, “ This feature aims to significantly speed up the reaction process, making it even more convenient for users to express their feelings quickly.”
Note that the feature is currently in development and users in the latest WhatsApp version in Android beta can access the feature. However, the availability is again unsure, since the feature has not been released yet.
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In the coming months, WhatsApp will be going through a series of changes with new features including in the space of AI. Meta has announced the rollout of Llama 3.1 405B for Meta AI, which may soon be made available in the country after its official release. Therefore, in upcoming WhatsApp updates, we may see new features on the Meta-owned instant messaging app.
Till the new features roll out, we will have to wait and see how Meta plans to introduce these new speculated features to the app.
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