Yusuf Ibrahim, the go-to security consultant for celebrities in the Hindi film industry, recently shared his experience managing Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. According to Ibrahim, the event, which took place at the couple’s residence in Pali Hill, was the most challenging wedding he has ever handled. The security team had to manage over 350 media personnel and a huge crowd of fans, creating an intense security situation.
Yusuf Ibrahim reveals Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding was the “Toughest to manage”; REACTS to reports of couple hiring 200 bodyguards
Ibrahim recalled the chaotic scenes outside Alia and Ranbir’s wedding venue. “The toughest ever wedding we managed was that of Alia Bhatt. There were at least 350 people from media houses. At least ten people came from each company. Additionally, their fans had assembled outside their home,” he said. The media frenzy was so overwhelming that the entire area surrounding Pali Hill was filled with people. The security team even had to manage guest vehicles from a distance due to the overcrowded roads.
Security Measures and Misconceptions About the Wedding
In the interview with Siddharth Kannan, Ibrahim also addressed rumors surrounding the wedding’s security. It was reported that the couple had hired 200 bouncers and requested polite, non-smoking guards, but Ibrahim clarified that these reports were not true. “We were about 60 people in each shift, working round the clock,” Ibrahim stated. The building had a single gate for both entry and exit, which complicated the situation even further as celebrities and media personnel jostled for space.
The team had to work in multiple shifts, with Ibrahim and his core team working for over 18 hours a day for six days. “There were no special instructions from them as to how many people they need or how many days of protection they seek. They just called me and shared details of their wedding events,” Ibrahim added, noting his long-standing relationship with the couple since their early career days.
Managing the Media Frenzy and Ensuring Privacy
As the wedding unfolded, Ibrahim’s team had to take extreme measures to keep the media from invading the couple’s privacy. “I had kept half of my boys in uniform and the rest in civil dress so that they can manage it well and keep an eye on everybody without making them conscious,” he explained. This strategy helped them monitor media personnel attempting to climb walls or buildings to capture photos and videos.
Despite the challenges, Ibrahim’s team successfully managed the security of the wedding, keeping the guests and the couple safe from the overwhelming media attention. “Press was crazy on that night,” he recalled, highlighting the intensity of the situation.
Easiest Wedding Security: Varun Dhawan’s Celebration
In contrast to the chaotic nature of Alia and Ranbir’s wedding, Ibrahim also mentioned Varun Dhawan’s wedding as one of the easiest he had managed. Held soon after the COVID-19 pandemic, it involved a more intimate guest list and fewer security concerns. “They had invited limited people and booked a resort. The family went in and came out only after three days. So there was nothing much to manage,” Ibrahim shared.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt drops UNSEEN photos from family trip to Thailand
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