Congress to Skip TV Debates Today: Many Questions to Ask of PM Modi

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Congress party leader Jairam Ramesh with party leaders Supriya Shrinate (L) and Pawan Khera (R) and others during a press conference,(PTI / File)


In a surprising move, the Congress party has decided to abstain from participating in today’s TV debates. The decision comes amidst mounting concerns and numerous unanswered questions regarding the actions and policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government. This article delves into the reasons behind Congress’ decision, explores the questions they have for PM Modi, and discusses the implications of this move.

Why is Congress Skipping TV Debates Today?

Congress has chosen to skip the TV debates scheduled for today, citing various reasons that have left them dissatisfied with the current political landscape. This decision comes at a crucial time when the nation expects robust discussions and debates among political parties.

Unanswered Questions for PM Modi

The Congress party has voiced numerous questions that they want Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address. These questions highlight important issues and concerns that have arisen during his tenure. Here are some of the key questions raised by Congress:

  1. Question 1: What is the government’s plan to tackle rising unemployment rates? Answer: Congress believes that the government has not taken adequate steps to address the growing problem of unemployment. They seek clarity on the government’s strategy to generate more jobs and improve the employment scenario.
  2. Question 2: How does the government plan to revive the economy? Answer: Congress is eager to know the government’s comprehensive plan to rejuvenate the economy and overcome the economic challenges faced by the country. They question the effectiveness of current policies and demand alternative strategies.
  3. Question 3: What measures are being taken to ensure women’s safety? Answer: Concerns regarding women’s safety have escalated in recent times. Congress wants to understand the government’s initiatives to ensure a safer environment for women and how they plan to curb instances of violence and harassment.
  4. Question 4: What is being done to address the agrarian crisis? Answer: The agricultural sector has been plagued by multiple issues, including farmer distress and falling incomes. Congress seeks clarity on the government’s plans to resolve these issues and uplift the farmers’ livelihoods.
  5. Question 5: What is the government’s stance on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)? Answer: The controversial CAA has sparked widespread debates and protests across the country. Congress wants to know the government’s position on this issue and whether any amendments or modifications are being considered.
  6. Question 6: What steps are being taken to combat the COVID-19 pandemic? Answer: The ongoing pandemic has posed significant challenges to the nation. Congress demands transparency regarding the government’s vaccination and healthcare strategies, as well as measures to mitigate the economic impact of the crisis.

Implications of Congress’ Decision

Congress’ choice to skip the TV debates today has garnered attention and raised several implications:

  1. Reduced Opposition Voice: With Congress absent from the debates, the opposition’s voice may be diluted, potentially limiting the diversity of opinions and critical discussions.
  2. Missed Opportunity for Dialogue: TV debates provide a platform for parties to present their views and engage in healthy debates. Congress’ absence denies them an opportunity to voice their concerns and engage with other political parties.
  3. Heightened Curiosity among the Public: The decision has piqued the curiosity of the public, who now eagerly await Congress’ future course of action and how they plan to address their concerns.
  4. Political Strategy or Statement: Congress’ move could be a well-calculated political strategy to garner attention and draw focus to their questions and concerns, making a statement on the current political climate.
  5. Impact on Perception: The decision may impact public perception of Congress, with some viewing it as an evasion of responsibility while others see it as a bold move to assert their demands.
  6. Pressure on PM Modi: By highlighting their questions publicly, Congress aims to put pressure on PM Modi and his government to address these concerns adequately.


Congress’ decision to skip TV debates today sends a clear message to the ruling government. It showcases their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and the unanswered questions they have for PM Modi. This move has both political and strategic implications, shaping public perception and placing the onus on the government to address the concerns raised. As the nation waits for answers, the political landscape remains charged with anticipation.

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