Microsoft, Google and 8 other companies ‘most frequently copied’ by hackers

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Phishing attacks remain a major threat as the world of cybercrime is constantly changing, impacting both individuals and organisations globally. A report has now listed 10 companies, including tech majors, that are most frequently imitated by hackers as they attempt to deceive and steal personal information or payment credentials.
According to the list published by Check Point Research (CPR), Microsoft tops the Brand Phishing Ranking for the first quarter of 2024, followed by Google, LinkedIn and Apple.
Phishing is a cybercrime where attackers try to trick people into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links with an aim to steal sensitive information such as passwords, bank credentials by sending emails or text messages that appear to have come from a legitimate source, such as a bank, credit card company, or even a friend.

Big Five tech companies among top 10 phished brands

During the first quarter of 2024, Microsoft remained the most imitated brand in phishing attacks, accounting for 38% of all brand phishing attempts. The report said that Google made a modest advance to the second spot with 11% of attempted brand phishing attacks – up slightly from its previous third-place position.
Similarly, LinkedIn also saw a rise to third place, with 11% of such attempts, marking a notable increase from the previous quarter. The Microsoft-owned professional social network is followed by Apple (5%) and German logistics company DHL (5%) to fill the top 5 positions.
“The Technology sector remained unchanged as the most impersonated industry in brand phishing, followed by Social Networks and Banking. The technology brands lead in phishing attacks, likely due to their widespread usage in corporate and remote work environments, making them a lucrative entry point into company assets,” the report said.
On the sixth spot is Amazon (3%), followed by Facebook (2%), Roblox (2%), Wells Fargo (2%) and Airbnb (1%). The report said that Airbnb made its debut in the top brands list, which is likely influenced by the Easter season, a period associated with increased travel and holiday bookings.

Top Phishing Brands for Q1 2024:

  • Microsoft (38%)
  • Google (11%)
  • LinkedIn (11%)
  • Apple (5%)
  • DHL (5%)
  • Amazon (3%)
  • Facebook (2%)
  • Roblox (2%)
  • Wells Fargo (2%)
  • Airbnb (1%)

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