Move to fence Mizoram-Myanmar border unacceptable: Lalduhoma | India News

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AIZAWL: Two days after the Centre decided to terminate the 40-year-old Free Movement Regime (FMR) along the Indo-Myanmar border areas in four northeastern states, newly elected Mizoram CM Lalduhoma Thursday said any move to fence the 510-km-long porous border it has with the neighbouring country is unacceptable.
Lalduhoma met PM Narendra Modi in New Delhi and told him that people of his state consider the border it has with Myanmar was imposed on them by the British.
“The present border between Mizoram and Chin state of Myanmar was demarcated by the British government without consulting the Mizo people,” the 74-year-old CM said to Modi.
The former IPS officer had also called on external affairs minister S Jaishankar, his 1977 batchmate, on Wednesday. “If the Centre builds fences along the Mizoram-Myanmar border, it will amount to acceptance of the blunder committed by the British colonial government, which divided the Mizo people living in both India and Myanmar. The Mizo people reject the proposal to fence the border,” he told Jaishankar.
The FMR is an agreement between two countries that allows people living along the border to travel up to 16 km inside the other country.

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